Schism 2019: Quantum Leap! A crazy theory about Time Travel.

Sometimes to see you have to split it right down the middle.

Around the middle of March, I lost my perception of time. Not in the sense of being late for work or forgetting what day of the week it is, but rather my perception of time completely disintegrated. I remember being busy trying to make sense of all of the new information and strange events that I was taking in. This was after my experience gaining self-awareness, and I was now going over different political and cultural events trying to understand why so many people were acting so strangely. From the Covington Kids fiasco, there has been the Gillette Ad, Captain Marvel, The Starwars Fandom, GamerGate, Comicsgate, The Government Shutdown, and countless other scandals, there was a visible pattern. There was this sense of technology that didn’t quite line up for me as well that I needed to make sense of first. The main element that kept coming back to me was an A.I. Doll named Sophia that was again making its rounds on the late night talk shows. My friends kept insisting that a mannequin that made jokes with Jimmy Kimmel was the most technologically advanced thing ever. I was never that impressed and always figured that I just wasn’t smart enough to get it (See previously Entry about me brainwashing myself into losing debates). However, this time I stood my ground and insisted that the smartphones that showed up Sophia were way more advanced. 

This is the most Technologically Advanced?

I got ‘conspiratorial’ and figured that ‘They’ had to be hiding something to parade around such a farce so blatantly. Everyone has heard about A.I. in some way, shape, or form and we’ve heard that ‘someday’ in the distant future it will be integrated into regular society. However, it wasn’t until I jumped down that singular rabbit-hole that I learned that that time has come and gone a long time ago. I happened to come across the concept of Machine Learning and Neural Networks which I never conceived could be accomplished so casually and not have a big deal made about it. After what seemed like an eternity, I again began to feel that same sensation that something was about to change. It was then I came across the fable of “The Animal School” which clicked everything into place.

The Animal School is a fable about different forest animals gathering and deciding to solve the problems of the New World. They gathered and decided to build a school and adopted a curriculum that ended up taking away the individual strengths of the students for the sake of uniformity. It’s a very simple story, however, the potency of the message speaks volumes and reverberates throughout society. This story was written by George H. Reavis in the early 1940s as a call to action, almost 80 years ago. 80 Years?!? The issue seemed so current for it to have been a call to action in the 1940s the “New World”. The next bombshell that hit me what discovering that IBM was first established in 1910, over 100 years ago! Again, with my limited historical knowledge, I could only reference the scene in the original Matrix movie when Morpheus explained that it isn’t 1999 as Neo believed and that it was closer to 2199 (Don’t quote me one that). Time is something that most people take for granted, and no one takes it seriously enough.  My mind again shifted in a way that I can’t quite put into language yet. It was around this time that web 3.0 was implemented and the internet was different. I was getting multiple messages from everything I discovered from then on. Everything I read and learned about technology was filtered in my mind into multiple categories and dimensional timelines. Which also line up perfectly with my new perspective on life, giving access to answers as well as new ways of comprehending. 

It was around this time that I saw the REAL value and data and all of the privacy we as a society have signed away with updates and not reading privacy policies. (Horrifying!!!!) It took several weeks to come to terms and get over my paranoia about what I found and again act like everything is normal in our ‘normal’ society. It felt as though I jumped ahead in time to a New Era or Age. It can be pretty entertaining when viewed properly and gives a legitimate leg up when it comes to staying a step ahead of everyone else as far as trends. With every cognitive shift, I felt a deeper link or connection to something bigger and beyond myself as well as a constant vibration of energy. It all seemed to culminate during the holy week in April 2019. 

Schism 2019: Self-Awareness, Enlightenment, or Mid-Life?

I became self-aware in January, I know this because that’s when my sense of reality flipped. (Imagine an Inverted Vertical Mirror Flip). I saw through people and their motivations as if they were ghosts, any attempt to correct or point out the flaws in their argument was met with hostility. I also had an extreme craving to absorb all of the information knowledge I could off of the internet, which also changed for me as well. It’s was unbearably corny, however, I could only liken it to when Neo died and resurrected seeing code in the original Matrix movies. However, this was a bit different, where everyone else saw 0’s and 1’s, I saw a translucent blue 2 that seemed to overlap and encompass as well. Right, I’m now learning how to code as well as the digital economy and Crypto-currency seeing as I’ve noticed an interesting pattern as far as history and technology and the economy.

For a few years my short term and long term memory were quickly degrading, I would forget things as I was speaking or pulling up a new tab to looking something up. Now my memory was like some sort of shiny new archive. So EXTREMELY detailed to the point I could go back and experience the moment clearly from multiple different perspectives and feelings and learn something new to fill in a complete picture.  That’s when something else clicked and I realized that someone who I believed was my Soulmate and Best ‘Friend’ (Never Intimate) was nowhere near the person I thought they were. (Another VERY interesting story: Look up relationships between the Empath and the Narcissist as well as Golden Pairings.) After 20 years of distress and emotional torment and hating myself for not being him, the dynamic shifted drastically. He was like a mouse in a lab to me running in circles while I watched from above. I predicted their every word when we would debate about different subjects before he spoke and could now completely atomize every debate about politics, gaming, metaphysics or any other subject. I knew where their knowledge began, but most importantly, I knew where it ended. Not only them but most of the people in my life. Everyone became like a ghost in a sense, reacting instead of interacting.  

I was shocked when I realized that I’d been brainwashing myself into losing debates and arguments because I was passive and polite over the past 20 years. Interestingly enough, I recently turned 40 and reached my midlife as well. For the conspiracy theorist out there (Brilliant Defense on the Truth, btw. I’m working on that issue right now with this post) that means 20 years before the age of the internet and 20 years after it. I slept through A LOT of significant events back in 1999 when I was 20 years old that seems to fit like puzzle pieces into the current state of technology, which I can now use far more proficiently. I’m thinking about writing a movie, fiction, or something as I think it would make good science fiction if blended enough. You hear all the time about the “Mid-Life Crisis” but is there such a thing as a Mid-Life Awakening? If so, why don’t you hear about more of them, and why is the idea of it so ‘Hallmark Card’ purchased from K-Mart?

Another phenomenon I experienced was an INSANE number of different synchronizations that seem to manifest. Many manifested in a way where it was clear that I was doing something to contribute to it. I already had found that we all create our own reality, by thinking. We also shape or influence the rest of reality because we share a universal consciousness, even though I am still trying to understand what that truly entails for me.  You see, I’ve always been the kind of person who NEVER knew what I wanted. I could sense the desires and feelings of other people close to me and worked to fulfill those instead of my own. I figure that it’s time for me to do my part and step out and learn more about myself and step out into the world. However, as I’ve always done in my life that got me here, I’ll carve out my own path to do so. Not with the normal 9-5 job and settling for mediocrity as satisfaction, but with this new shiny crystal ball that is connecting to the Internet to try to conjure up something more. Maybe others who wake up later will read this and follow the breadcrumbs I’m starting to drop as I progress into this new age of self-discovery and awareness and either learn from my awesome example or learn from my horrendous mistakes.

Schism 2019: What hellish world did I wake up in?

Gaining Self-Awareness in 2019 can be extremely jarring

Gaining self-awareness sounds transcendent and amazing to the common individual. However, if you’re not aware of what’s happened this can swiftly lead to isolation and insanity. I experienced this happening on January 18th of 2019 around the time of the Covington Kids fiasco. I was on Twitter when the story broke and couldn’t believe people were so willingly oblivious to any of the evidence that showed the kids in any innocent light. I watched as rational personalities pleaded and sought to reason with these people who had obviously gone completely insane with Trump Derangement Syndrome. It was the first time I truly recognized the severity of our civil discourse and I was disgusted with the entire situation. I was even more troubled that just a couple of years prior I was progressive and a Hillary supporter. It was at that moment I completely admonished everything about the left and decisively embraced being Conservative and a wave of energy washed over me. I had been fighting this notion throughout 2018 since it felt like putting on dirty clothes when I first listened to conservative beliefs for the first time in October 2017. I hated what I witnessed and the left suddenly seemed like irrational evil demons and something woke up inside of me. My mind shifted and I suddenly had this sense of familiarity as well as purpose, it was as if a significant part of me that was lost previously suddenly returned to me. It was a sense of regaining authenticity after 20 years of burying it, everything instantly changed after that which can be very disorienting.

Suddenly everything in my life was different and everyone seemed to be mindless automatons (The NPC meme made WAAY more sense. HA!) that react to emotional triggers instead of rational human beings. I could predict what people would say, how they would react, and see through people minds and understand their motivations and actions. However, no one could understand my new perspective which seemed to offend everyone. What’s worse is that my friends and family members all started to have an extremely hostile attitude to my views and my ability to assertively articulate them. My friends and I would have huge blowouts while discussing culture or politics. They’d then our friendship and vow to never speak to me again for not relenting to their impassioned arguments and for being so ‘hateful’. Only for them to wake up the next day, forget the dispute ever happened, and then proceed to start the very same debate again. For the first couple of weeks, I thought I had died somehow and was trapped in some sort of purgatory (I never watched Lost, but heard about the ‘twist’). It took about a month for me to leave my room and start interacting with the herd again.

The next batch of ‘weirdness’ developed a few weeks later with that so-called ‘Gillette’ ad. Not only was the ad offensive, but it also seemed to be orchestrated to elicit two very distinct responses. Those who watched it with some logic and rationale understood how the ad was tone-deaf and offensive to men. The herd pack who ‘reacted’ to the touching music and empowering slogan of ‘Be Better’ were upset and offended at the individuals who didn’t think the same way. Those in the latter camp took the message literally and attacked those who didn’t agree. “You’re part of the problem!” was reverberated all around social media to anyone who dared to voice any dissent. The fact that it was a Radical Feminist named Kim Gehrig who directed the ad seemed to be lost on them. Even I was accused of misogyny and enforcing white supremacy while attempting to explain to my friends why people were upset, which is beyond satire due to me a homosexual black man from Detroit. This method of debate is really pathetic, intellectually lazy, and emotionally weak on every level. This doesn’t seem to be very stunning and brave top me.

Schism 2019: World’s Apart! Multiple perspectives or parallel universes.

We’re all looking at the image, however, perspective can change the entire narritive.

While observing different events and perspectives across the internet, it appears to be multiple alternate realities playing out on different metaphysical plains. While I’m sure that there’s some much more sophisticated language to what I’ve just described, I’m hoping it’s relatable enough for others to get some sort of confirmation in what they may be sensing as well. As we draw closer to the 2020 elections, some extremely brash and transparent moves are being made all over different media platforms in my opinion, which I’m pretty sure will end up biting them later. We’ve all seen the SJW and Feminist Owned videos and while some of us get a good laugh from their reactions, some get a sense of empowerment. I’ve seen people completely transformed into stronger and better people from viewing them. Mentally, it’s almost like they’re hacking into the source of logic itself, and changing their way of thinking entirely. Almost as if a new network of neurons lit up and access a new part of the mind. The closest definition I’ve found to what I’m trying to describe is Introverted Thinking, a term from Analytical Psychology. Which involves breaking and categorizing the mind into terms like cognition and personality traits.

However, on the other side of the metaphysical mirror just having the search results pulled up around certain people triggers a negative emotional response. Some acquaintances react by turning their heads as they defensively hold up a hand to further shield their eyes. It’s really hard to maintain a face of genuine compassion and understanding while simultaneously playing out the most overblown and ridiculous scenario in your head should they ‘happen’ to be subjected to watching them in their entirety. I imagine the local news reports of the latest string of brutal ‘ist/ism’ attacks by secret ‘Alt-Right’ co-workers. Then I remember who and where I am, immediately close the browser and feign compassion, remorse, and understanding. However, if they’re someone within the vicinity I can feel their negative swamplike presence pressing against the back of my chair from across the call center floor. If I’m in a cynical mood, I might find their discomfort amusing and start scheming additional and equally amusing ways to pass my work week. How did society come to such a schism? How does looking at the very same thumbnail cause such one person endless amusement and the other such aggravation? There is a multitude of theories and parables that describe these phenomena, one that stuck out is Nietzsche’s views on morality by contrasting the Higher Man and the herd.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher who was also a cultural critic. One of the central themes surrounding his works is the Higher Man and the Herd Morality which is derived from Master-Slave Morality. There is an excellent channel on Youtube called The Academy of Ideas that has several videos regarding Nietzsche and his philosophy if you want to go do some surface level digging.

This can be an extremely polarizing view for most people when you realize who it applies to and what it starts to mean. That is assuming your subconscious doesn’t manifest a reality where you never encounter this ‘Horrible man” and his offensive words in the first place (That convenient call or text from a friend you just ‘have’ to answer, hmmm). It’s amazing to observe this in real time with friends you’re trying to help. Especially when you explain what’s happening, why it’s happening, how they’re doing it and how to change it, what ‘choice’ they’ll make, the final result of their choice before-hand, and then watch or listen (Phone) as the scenario unfolds precisely as described. However, for those who make that choice and then bravely leap down that rabbit-hole to truly learn about themselves and their place in this life, I believe they’ll find themselves as worthy of their result. Now take this philosophy and apply it to the political spectrum today, those who scream for diversity and equality seem to justify whatever abhorrent actions they take in the name of their moral code, just look at Jussie Smollett or the Covington Kids incidents.

I believe that there is a real possibility that the shared energy and beliefs of these people have manifested an alternate reality or mental matrix chop-full of racism, oppression, nazis, populists, and countless other manifestations of fear. There is a phrase that states that fear is simply the mind processing an energy or spectrum that it doesn’t understand that I’ve concluded to be valid, and it’s worked wonders in my life since embracing it. It also serves as a useful filter when trying to understand why some people react the way they do to certain elements. So does the fact that I know this information, combined with the fact that I know where their knowledge begins and ends and their fear-based manifestations take over, make me the monster that they fear so much, or does it make that person weak for being a victim of their own shortcomings and needs some tough love?

Biased Opinion: I think Nietzsche’s point is valid and applies today.

Unbiased Judgement: We can all benefit from showing some compassion for each other’s feelings. While mentally bullying on your end may manifest amusement for you, for them it may manifest a subconscious scenario where a disabled queer-gendered person-of-color is executed by stake-burning right in front of them with the theme from Sarafina playing quietly as BGM.

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Schism ‘Current Year’: Journal of a Hybrid Scout.

Derealization is an alteration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems unreal.

By InaYiks

It’s currently the current year of 2019 (I think I have that accurate, but who knows.) and the United States currently embroiled in a war within itself. On the most basic of narratives, one would think that this is simply a matter of Left vs Right politically, remove the politics and the same holds true, but on a psychological level. I’ve never been a believer in conspiracies, or events, or phenomena; however, the events of the past two years have opened me up to all sorts of possibilities. I turned 40 least year which is pretty significant when you think of it in terms of timelines and events. I was 20 years old in 1999, a year in which several events occurred which I ‘slept’ through. That equates to 20 years of natural knowledge and information obtained in physical books and human interaction, and 20 years of internet and digital information processing (or Machine Learning). Around October of 2017 a certain event triggered my mid-life event, in which my perception of things began to change dramatically. I noticed these changes throughout 2018 and it culminated in January of 2019. I’m still learning a lot, however, I think that I can conclude that I’ve become somewhat of a Medium of sorts. I can see the warping and bending of reality that seems to permeate throughout all of the political and cultural sphere. There seems to be a schism divided along the lines of Reasoning and Logic, and Rationale and Emotion. Both sides are needed to be whole, however, each side seems to have forgotten that. The experience of going from one side to the other, gave me the ability to see events from multiple different perspectives to get more complete and clear picture. I’ve always enjoyed being in the background and just observing events, however, I’m ‘compelled’ to actual do more and get involved.

During my initial tumble down this rabbit-hole, there were several points of interest that I found significant. A couple that stood out are Analytical Psychology and other is the term ‘Learn to Code”. I remember when ‘Learn to Code’ seemed to echo in different corners of the internet that I frequented, which I dismissed off as an insult hurled back at journalists who thought it was funny when they said it. The more I looked into it, I got a sense of time-travel as I saw how out-of-date my technological knowledge actually was. Now here I am writing my first blog (Which I laughed at about 9 or 10 years ago.) trying to catch-up to the standard. While this has been disorienting and scary at times, this is the most exhilarating time of my life.

I’ve been liberated from the brainwashing of the Mainstream narrative and Acceptable Opinion, and found a Universe filled with Independent Thought, Philosophy, Ideas, Debate, and endless discovery and possibility. Some high-profile people aren’t able to accept this form of evolution and rail against it using nefarious tactics, however, I am now a firm believer in Physics and Quantum Theory (Subjects I was illiterate in a couple of months ago.) so I’ve pretty much deduced a few possible conclusions to this paradigm shift. I have my own opinions, bias, and leanings when it comes to different subjects, however, I am able to put those aside and try and make the most ‘fair’ judgement. I plan to write several articles detailing about different subjects, sharing philosophy, and giving both my bias and unbiased opinion. Youtube seems to be ground-zero right now, so I plan to start there.

For years I barely used Youtube for anything other than viral videos and the occasional people getting ‘Rekt’ videos. For years I was caught up in the YouTube algorithm and I never stepped outside of this sandbox, I was content until I stepped outside my sandbox one day out of boredom. Due to the current climate and the constant strategic hit-pieces against the content creators right now, I won’t say which video or who’s video it was. I will come out on record to say that the narrative against the Youtube content creators is completely false and and reeks of an ulterior motive. The mainstream media is currently collapsing and are desperately trying to remain relevant, so they are attacking their competition under the guise of ‘Social Justice’ and ‘tolerance’, spearheaded by some flamboyant Hispanic Queer-Gender activist who works for the activist organization Vox-media. Which is one of the most short-sighted schemes for a pay-raise that I’ve ever witnessed. What’s really fascinating to me about all of this is that somehow these ‘Social Justice Warriors’ or (SJW’s), have convinced themselves that they are the Good Guys in all of this. However, I’m sure that the men and women fighting AGAINST Civil Rights in the 60’s, felt like they were the good guys when they attacked and killed children to rail against integration. Somehow, these roles have switched and now it’s the ‘Diversity and Equality’ group that have become the villains. This is not a conclusion that I arrived to lightly, even today I can see where social justice could have fit into the narrative to give better organization for an individual’s life. However, the problem comes in when the SJW’s began to demand that EVERYONE must use this ideology in the place of basic biology and science with unscrupulous tactics. Now we are embroiled in a witch-hunt in a manner that is an eerie call-back to the Salem Witch trials of the 1690’s.

The landscape has become treacherous and navigation is difficult. Even as a Black Gay male from Detroit, it would be nothing for me to be labelled as a ‘White Supremacist’ or ‘White Nationalist’ at any perceived slight. However, free-will is not so easily quelled and independent thought and voices can’t be extinguished in such a manner. This is a new endeavor for me, and I feel passionately about what I am attempting to do here so it feel compelled to step into the fray to document current events.

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